About Us

non-violence-1158316_1920Kreating Good Karma, Inc. mission is to help develop positive skills that will increase confidence and good karma while building a better community one stay at a time.

Kreating Good Karma, Inc. will provide transitional shelter for homeless or disadvantaged families that are having a hard time finding housing in the community, and will include programs geared towards success. We will help to develop positive skills that will increase confidence and good karma while building a better community. While individuals are staying at our facility we will provide families with various workshops that will include money managing and budgeting, credit counseling, how to obtain student loans, how to use local resources within the community to help with additional services, spiritual counseling, and childcare assistance for families.

Currently Kreating Good Karma, Inc. does not have a physical location, but we are looking for a building that have private rooms with bath rooms included, such as hospital or hotel style facilities. We would like to offer privacy while maintainingTG-line2-1024x678-300x300 security and making sure everyone stays safe while in our program. We would like to have the father, mother, and child or children all under one roof because Kreating Good Karma, Inc. would like to see less single parent homes and more mothers and fathers involved with their children. Homelessness is increasing in Indianapolis so there will always be a need for this service. Shelters that are already operating have to turn many families away each day simply because there just isn’t enough room for more people. Kreating Good Karma, Inc. would like to take that overflow of families and give them the same attention that other families are able to receive. Our goal is to obtain a facility by 2017 to provide transitional housing. While obtaining the facility we will be offering the workshops to individuals and families that are in need. dove-41260_640

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